You may evaluate TarotWorks for a trial period of two weeks. After that, you must register TarotWorks if you decide to keep it. TarotWorks costs US$25 to register.
Advantages of registering
After you register, you receive a serial number that allows TarotWorks to:
— save, print, and comment on readings
— create new readings with any layout
— use any extra plug-ins as they are released.
Also, registered users will be sent:
— a full manual
— users with an e-mail address will also automatically receive
free maintenance upgrades as soon as they are released.
• How to register
You can register TarotWorks by:
• cash
• check
• credit card (VISA, MasterCard, and American Express)
• email (NetCash and First Virtual)
• invoice
To register TarotWorks:
1. Open the Register application that comes with TarotWorks.
2. Fill in your details, and select a method of payment.
3. Print or save the form and send it to Kagi Shareware.
Registering by credit card:
— send the form via email to
— fax the form to +1 510 652 6589.
Registering by other payment methods:
— Checks should be made out to “Kagi Shareware” and should be in US dollars.
— Print out the form and mail it to:
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-FP
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
Fax Warning: Although the automated system at Kagi means that most users receive their registration number within 12 hours, registrations sent by fax still have to be processed by hand, which could delay them for up to 2 weeks.
Note: You may still pay direct to me (especially if you wish to include comments together with your registration), but I can only accept cash (US or Australian dollars) or Australian postal orders. Anything else will have to go through Kagi. My mailing address is shown at the end of this document.
Special offer to Australian users
You can save 30% off the registration fee by sending cash or a postal order for AU$25 (Australian dollars) to my Sydney address at the end of this document.
• Contacting the author
Kagi Shareware only deals with registrations. If you want to talk to me, suggest enhancements, complain about bugs, and so on, you should e-mail me directly at <>.